Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
“The body has within itself all the factors with which to maintain health and to heal itself in case of disease or trauma.” Dr Rollin Becker
Ralf Ehlers BCST RCST
Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is a very gentle, holistic, hands-on approach to health. Through skilled palpation techniques the therapist can detect areas of compromised motion, and work with the client’s self-healing abilities to restore health. It is a truly holistic modality, in that it addresses physical, mental and emotional issues. As the unfolding of the session is really led by the client’s systemic readiness, willingness and trust to work with certain patterns, healing is gentle and wholesome.
For these reasons biodynamic craniosacral therapy can be very helpful in the treatment of most conditions, irrespective of their root cause.
Some of the conditions that commonly respond well to this treatment include stress and anxiety, tiredness, emotional issues, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, tinnitus, sinusitis, facial pain, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, sciatica, back and neck pain, joint disorders, digestive problems, birth traumas, and many more.
For any questions or to book a session you can contact me on 07942 333237, on ralfehlers@icloud.com or via the online form.